7 proven ways to develop your Instagram account
Agree, just making a business profile on Instagram and counting on an increase in sales is a bit frivolous, here too you need to make an effort to promote your project. As has been said, the social proof left by other users has a big impact. Therefore, your activity should be aimed at increasing the general activity and increasing the number of subscribers on your profile. As you have already guessed, many users are striving to do just that, so they apply a variety of ways and methods to make the account presentable. There are several such options and they differ in the way they are implemented and the possible results.
What you can use
- Attracting a target audience. This category of users, which every business wants to see among its subscribers, because only real users can make orders and increase profits. But it’s very difficult to get them, because it’s very difficult to find your customer with the existing competition. You have to understand how to promote a business account on Instagram by yourself and attract interested, paying users.
- Nominal increase in performance. This is one way to stand out from the majority, to make yourself known. But in this case, large numbers on your follower counter will not guarantee you successful sales and brand promotion. Buying subscribers allows you to get social proof of your success and placate the algorithms, to show that your product is interesting to many. You can buy subscribers from a verified website, https://poprey.com/instagram_followers. This will help you maintain your brand’s reputation. Buying new subscribers can be an optimal solution, because first you should get a match with the generally accepted signs of social proof. As a result, you will have a chance to get more subscribers after advertising.
- Geotags. A great way to attract users who are nearby, it works best if your business has localization. Invite users to also post a photo of themselves with the same tag for some sort of reward.
- Comments. Engage users using this tool. Ask questions, ask subscribers to share their own opinions about your products. And also do not forget that you can add comments of any content to your posts.
- Mutual PR. The method works very well, just choose for cooperation profiles with your target audience. It is also not superfluous to check the selected account for fake subscribers, first just subscribe to it and pay attention to the activity of users.
- Gamification. Gamification works everywhere, add it to Instagram as well – the business account will be more interesting and lively. Drawings with mentions of other users, polls in Stories, contests, where the winner is the one who was the last commenter under a certain post for an hour. You’ll see, users will be more loyal to your profile and the products you offer.
- Communication. Be sure to respond to questions and comments from your users. Thus you will show that you care about the interests of your clients and are ready to offer mutually beneficial terms. A satisfied client is sure to tell his friends and acquaintances about you, so establish contact and good relations.
If you want to get the best instagram followers, you should use both paid services and free options to attract an audience. This will create the perfect conditions for you to effectively develop your account and get maximum results from users. If you can pay more attention to the development of your account, interesting opportunities will open up in front of you. So you will have a chance to solve serious problems and optimize the process of finding new interesting directions in this category.